Virtuous Virtues

Courtesy, Creativity, Forgiveness, Joyfulness and Modesty(which made it really hard to choose my virtues) are all virtues that I would use to describe myself. However, due to human nature and events that occur in our lives our virtues are constantly being tested. Whether it be honesty, self-discipline, commitment, etc. there is almost no virtue that can't be corrupted in some sort of way. One time I felt like a virtue of mine was being tested.

December 3rd, 2009 my friend Dieter and I were going from our first period class, Media 3, to our next class British Literature. When we got into the room there were a list of five virtues on the board. This intrigued me because our teacher, Mrs. Gonzalez, usually only puts things one the board if they are relevant to the piece of literature we are reading. After further explination I learned these virtues were those of the book's main character.

We started out the class by trying to define what a virtue was and some examples of them. I named a couple such as patience and modesty. I also unknowingly mentioned honesty(because i mumble modesty kinda morphed into honesty :). When no one else could think of anything else she passed out a sheet filled with virtues. This was the hard part. I looked over the entire sheet scrolling my eyes as fast as I could just to try and find at least 5 virtues that best described me, as stated by the directions of the paper and teacher. Constantly repeating each column struggling to find the right ones. As it is alone I hate describing myself and pointing out some, if any, good details about myself. I finally settled on the five, but was struggling not to erase the entire page and start over. My modesty was tested and I failed to keep it. The class ended with me now only 4 virtues under my belt.